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A Family Table Quiz for All will be held in the Club's Gym on Sunday afternoon 3pm . There are questions to suit all ages so you'll need your grannies and granddad, aunts, uncles to help you out. Lots and lots of prizes too to be given out all afternoon. So test your general knowledge, music, sport and entertainment and win top prizes for your family. 3pm on Sunday afternoon. \All proceeds to help u11s,12s on their weekend trip to the North Antrim Hurling Festival and O'Loughlin Gaels Juvenile GAA
FRIDAY NIGHT, JULY 15TH AT 8PM The big night is almost upon us so if you haven't got your ticket make sure to get one. O'Loughlin Gaels GAA Club's Race Night is the biggest night on the Club's social calendar and the Club's biggest fundraiser. If it' anything like the last number of years you just can't afford to miss it. There will be plenty of competition on the track with top quality races on offer and the D'OC will be on hand with his best tips. Children are free and there's plenty of hot dogs and fizz to for them while the bar is open to the adults. The annual club draw will also take place with your entry guaranteeing you the chance to win some top prizes including a weeks holiday in Spain for two with €750.00 spending money!!!... now that's a nice prize. There's a weekend away prize and cash prizes too all to be won by you. €10 entry can be paid on the night or from any of the ticket sellers out and about all week. First race starts at 8pm..get in early.... enjoy the races... enjoy the banter... enjoy the hot dogs.... and enjoybthe community spirit. A BIG THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS FOR THE RACE NIGHT NEWPARK EUROPAR YOUR LOCAL SUPERMARKET.
July 2024